09. Creating Ground Truth For Segmentation


Ground Truth for Segmentation

ND320 C3 L3 07 Creating Ground Truth For Segmentation


Some of the challenges in creating the ground truth for segmentation have to do with the fact that it is rarely routinely created in clinical practice. Radiation oncology is one of the few fields where segmentation is generated as part of the treatment path, but normally segmentation projects require custom labeling efforts.

One of the things to keep in mind when dealing with a labeled (segmented) dataset is that interpretation of radiological images is ambiguous and quite often, two independent clinicians (observers) would not label things in the same way. This phenomenon is called Interobserver Variability and has been studied in the literature.

When it comes to tooling for creating ground truth, 3D Slicer is a popular free tool used in the research community, and I will walk you through using it for creation and review of segmentation labels in the next lessons. MITK is another one. However, many medical imaging startups and larger companies use tools of their own.